Thursday, April 22, 2010

Project idea

I finallllly know what I'm going to do for my project. I've had a difficult time thinking of ideas that would inspire a full body of work, but luckily a friend came to my rescue. Roddy has been talking about this song "Black Heroes" by, Ratatat since the end of last year. For some reason it gives him a vividly specific visual picture when he listens to it, and he's been asking me to sketch him a drawing of it, since he can't relay his image from his mind to paper. I agreed to do the drawing for him during free time, but this is the perfect type of project to do in class for the rest of the year. I'm going to listen to some different songs that inspire me to make art responses. I'm not completely sure where this will take me and I don't plan on this being a very specific or constricting project, but more of a free, see what comes from it type of a thing. I'm realllllly excited to finally mix music and art and see how they fit together in my brain... hopefully it will inspire some good work!

1 comment:

  1. Joanie i think this is a really good idea! I've actually done this before - in an elementary school music class. We were given crayons and just told to draw whataver came to mind when we heard the music. I suggest that Roddy try expressing himself because the picture really will be different for everyone. good luck can't wait to see the results !
